OurSQL Episode 59: Security Blankets, Part 1

This week, we talk about MySQL security.

Collaborate Call for papers is open until Sunday October 14th – http://events.ioug.org/p/cm/ld/fid=15
Collaborate is an Oracle Technology and Applications conference put on by IOUG, OAUG and Quest. It is the largest independent Oracle conference, and we are planning on having a one-day track there. Collaborate is at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada from Sunday April 22nd – Thursday 26th, 2012.

Call for papers for Percona Live: MySQL Conference & Expo 2012 is open! They opened it on Friday, September 15th and the call will close on Monday, December 5th. The MySQL Conference & Expo is Tuesday April 10 – Thursday, October 12, 2012 in Santa Clara, CA.

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