Monthly Archives: September 2011

OurSQL Episode 58: Opening up Oracle’s World

The main content this week is previewing Oracle OpenWorld’s MySQL sessions.
Call for papers for Percona Live: MySQL Conference & Expo 2012 is open! The call will close on Monday, December 5th. To submit a paper, first register as a speaker … Continue reading

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OurSQL Episode 57: Eventual Discovery part 2

This week we have feedback about Gazzang – Gazzang is using encryptfs for their encryption. According to their launchpad project page at, “eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem f… Continue reading

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OurSQL Episode 56: Eventual Discovery part 1

This week is all about events – events in MySQL, and calls for papers for 2012 conferences.
Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo call for papers opens soon.
A session matrix for all of the MySQL s… Continue reading

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OurSQL Episode 55: MySQL Data Encryption

OSCon Data and OSCon videos
The Technocation youtube playlist, as of the time of this publishing has 18 videos, mostly from OSCon Data, is at
The O’Reilly YouTube playlist, as of the time of this … Continue reading

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